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Debra Yelva Dedyluk BFA, MFA


Professional Info



BORN Calgary, Alberta, Canada



2003 Master of Fine Arts, 

Department of Fine Arts, University of Calgary, Alberta


1990 Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree

University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Major:  Printmaking and Painting




The Black Box Project, Old Havana, Cuba



Gallery 621, Art Department, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.



The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta. (in conjunction with 6 graduates)


Little Gallery at the University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, (MFA program  exhibition)


Human Gallery III  

Richmond Art Gallery, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada (Juried) 

New Artists / New Works: Transformations.  Muttart Public Art Gallery, North Gallery, 

Calgary, Alberta, Canada (Curated by Kathryn Burns)


Human Gallery II  

The Community Arts Council of Vancouver Gallery, Vancouver, BC, Canada. - (Juried)


Miniature Prints - to Wear

 Dundarave Print Workshop Gallery, Vancouver, BC, Canada 


Human Gallery

 Dundarave Print Workshop Gallery, Vancouver, BC


from Art to Wear

Dundarave Print Workshop Gallery, Vancouver, BC




The Black Box Project 

Havana, Cuba Images for projection by Luis Gomez, Debra Dedyluk and Osmel Lopez




The T-Shirt Factory, Espacio Expositivo Gallery ISA

Havana, Cuba

Under Restoration 

621 Gallery University of Calgary Art Department, Alberta 



Little Gallery University of Calgary Art Department (two-person show)


Exchange Exhibition of Prints of Calgary & Japan University Hall 

Koyoto City University of the Arts, Koyoto, Japan and University of Calgary, Dean’s Office

imaGined texts/ conTexualized imagery

AFA Travelling Exhibition. Alberta

Juried Print-Exchange Exhibition

Grafisch Atelier Alkmaar, Alkmaar, the Netherlands


imaGined texts/ conTexualized imagery

A/P Gallery, Alberta Printmakers Society, Calgary, AB

A/P Leap Year Postcard Show & Exchange. A/P Gallery, Alberta Printmakers Society, Calgary, AB 


Series Instructor Exhibition

Red deer College AB, Canada



Influx Jewellery Gallery, Calgary, AB 


Crossing Borders 

Jewels by Design, (Canadian and American metal artists) Calgary, AB (invited)


A/P Miniature Print Exhibition

Image 54, Calgary, AB  


Cabinets of Curiosity

Wood Turning Center, Philadelphia, PA.USA; Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art, Ligonier and Loretto, PA; Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, Wausau, WI; Houston Center for Contemporary Craft, Houston, Texas;  Fuller Museum of Art, Brockton, Massachusetts; Turtle Bay Exploration Park, Redding, California: Anchorage Museum of History and Art, Anchorage, Alaska; Erie Art Museum, Erie, Pennsylvania; The Society for Contemporary Craft, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA. Until 2006. Travelling Exhibition (Curated Exhibition)

Interconnection. San Chun Gallery, Calgary, Alberta.  Japanese and Canadian artists. (Invited)


Faculty Exhibition

Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta

Generations 1980-2002

San Chun Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, 

Three Generations of Printmakers

Works by Instructors and Students of the University of Calgary, 

Leighton Foundation Museum and Art Gallery, Alberta


Little Gallery at the University of Calgary

Calgary, Alberta, (MFA program exhibition)

Vancouver 5

The Seattle Art Museum Gallery, Seattle, Washington, USA



An exhibition of South African and Canadian Prints, CAC GALLERY, Ground Zero, Victoria, BC  Traveling exhibition to National Library in Pretoria and Capetown, South Africa



The 6th International Biennial of Miniature Arts, Milanovac, Yugoslavia - (Juried Competition)


20th Mini Print International Cadagues, ADOGI Taller Galerai, Barcelona, Spain (Juried Competition)  Travelling exhibition: Sala Municipal d’ Art Xavier Gosé Lleida, Spain, Wingfield Arts & Music Festival Wingfield, England Taller Galeria Fort Cadaques, Girona, Spain , L’Etang d’Art Bages, France

Attention to Detail

 Nanaimo Art Gallery, British Columbia, Canada - (Curated by Pamela Speight)



10th International Print Biennial Varna 99 

Graphic Art Gallery, Varna, Bulgaria (Juried Competition)

Intimate Expressions: Art from Pan America.  <SITE> Gallery, Winnipeg, MB, 

Canada -(Juried Competition)

ARTS 99.  A Juried Exhibition of Local Art, Surrey Art Gallery, Surrey, British Columbia, 

19th Annual Northwest International Art Competition.  Whatcom Museum, Bellingham, Washington, USA


Cheltenham Printmakers Guild Exchange Show.  Levering Gallery, Levering, Pennsylvania, 

U.S.A. - (traveling exhibition)

Designs for Living: The Boudoir

Seymour Art Gallery, North Vancouver, BC - (Invited)

Mini-Print Suite.  Dundarave Print Workshop Gallery, Vancouver, BC

Dundarave Mini Print Suite.  Small Prints Gallery, Bob Prittie Metrotown Branch Public Library, City of Burnaby Art Gallery’s off-site space, Burnaby, BC - (Curated)

Finesse and Fortitude: The Art of Making Prints.  Seymour Art Gallery, 

North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - (Juried)


Malaspina Printmakers 101 Prints.  Great Hall of the Law Courts, Vancouver, BC


14th Annual Vancouver Juried Exhibition.  The Community Arts Council of Vancouver Gallery, Vancouver, BC - (Juried)


Group Show.  Dundarave Print Workshop Gallery, Vancouver, BC, Canada


Alberta Printmaker's Society Exhibition

Muttart Public Art Gallery, Calgary, Alberta,

(Curated by Walter Jule Professor of Art and Design at University of Alberta).

B.F.A. Graduation Show

Nickle Arts Museum, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB - (Juried).

University of Calgary, B.F.A. Grads

Main Gallery, Gulf Canada Gallery, Calgary, AB - (Juried).


Group Print Show

Mobil Oil Canada, Calgary, Alberta - (Juried).

Recent Works

Little Gallery, Fine Arts Department, University of Calgary


Alberta Survey '88

 Olympic Arts Festival, Alberta College of Art, Calgary, Alberta - (Juried).


Transitions Little Gallery, Fine Arts Department, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta.



2019-15 Instructor, Mount Pleasant Arts Centre, the City of Calgary Parks and Recreation, Calgary, AB

2018      Instructor, Collaborator/ Installation Artist. the T-Shirt Factory, The Universidad de las Artes (ISA), Havana Cuba

2016      Lecture and Collaboration. Text & Image, Substrate, Environment, Icon

2014      Lecture and Workshop, ISA Arts University, Habana, Cuba

               Traditional, Digital and Beyond Worked with students to capture stills from the video, manipulate in Photoshop and create                  a traditional print.

2014-2005 Jewellery Designer, the Goldsmiths, Calgary, AB

                   Mentored two students from the ACAD practicum program while working at the Goldsmiths.


2009 Committee Member for the City of Calgary Public Art Civic Arts Collection. 

Responsible to review and recommend new works for acquisition into the Civic Art Collection.


2008 Coordinating Committee and Studio Coordinator- imaGined texts/ conTexualized imagery Community Art Project, Alberta printmakers.  Assisted with a grant application, coordinated printing methods and materials for workshops. Created and installed the final exhibition along with other team members for the project. We facilitated over 400 people in the community to experience printmaking methods and produce editions for collection. Calgary, AB

Jury Member for BIMPE V, Biennial International Miniature Print Exhibition. Vancouver, BC


2008-2005 President - Calgary Allied Arts Foundation (CAAF)

2006 Instructor - Continuing Education, Visual Arts. Series 

Printmaking: Traditional, Digital and Beyond, Red Deer College.

2006- 2005 Gallery Coordinator – Alberta Printmakers Society.

2005 Presentation - University of Calgary.


2004 Board Member - for CAAF Head of Collections Committee.

Instructor - Dundarave Print Workshop Vancouver, B.C. 

Advanced Printmaking techniques.

Artist Lecture -  at ACAD Topic Artist Cooperatives.

Artist Workshop - at the University of Calgary.


2003 Curator - Culture: Artificial Conditions Stride +15 Project.  Created an installation with hundreds of Petri-dishes submitted by over 40 national and international artists. 


Artist Residence -  I was invited to attend Red Deer College to work on research for my thesis in exchange for demonstrations on screen-printing decals for ceramics and a photo transfer printmaking demonstration for the printmaking students.


2002 Instructor -  As a Graduate student, two positions were open for application.  I received a Sessional position for an introductory drawing course at the University of Calgary.  I was assigned to co-teach with another instructor.  I taught the second half of the course developing in-class and take-home assignments, preparing the class structure for four full days of instruction and graded assignments. 


2002 – 01 Teaching Assistant - I acted as a teaching assistant for Professor Bill Laing at the for a 300 level printmaking course at University of Calgary.  I was given the opportunity to demonstrate techniques such as viscosity, to work one on one with students and to participate in critiques.



2001 CCAP Downtown Eastside Pride Community Banner Project

Art Coordinator - Facilitated a large group of local participants, initially to gather historical research of the area and then translate the information into designs that would finally contribute to the designs of banners that are now hung along downtown East Hastings Street.  It was my task to take all the elements from the participants and conceptualize the final designs.


Old Vancouver Townsite Walking Tour / Footprints Community Art Project

Art Facilitator - Project organized through the Carnegie Centre Community Association.  My role was to facilitate the design and construction of historical site mosaic markers within the Downtown Eastside Community. 


2001 Instructor and Organizer - Taught a four-day silkscreen workshop, which involved participants of the Carnegie Street Program. 


2001 Artist in Residence - Through Malaspina Printmakers, conducted a demonstration and information session of printmaking techniques during the Rembrandt exhibition at the Vancouver Art Gallery

2000 Organizer BIMPE I, 1st Biennial International Miniature Print Exhibition, 

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Instructor        St. John’s School, Students Printmaking Workshop, Vancouver, B.C. 

            Printmaking classes at Dundarave Print Workshop, Vancouver, BC


1999 Organizer Micro-Mini Exhibition, A National Miniature Print Exhibition, 

          Vancouver, BC, Canada


2001 - 1999 President Dundarave Print Workshop, Vancouver, BC, Canada 

1999 Artist Lecture On recent work, Langara College, Vancouver, BC

1998 - 1997 Secretary Dundarave Print Workshop & Gallery, Vancouver, B.C. 

1996 - 1994 Membership Coordinator Dundarave Print Workshop & Gallery, Vancouver, B.C.

1990 - 1989 Chairperson B.F.A. Graduation Committee, University of Calgary.

                      Facilitator - Fundraiser - Catalogue -Public Relations


1995-1990 Visual Merchandising and Display Supervisor for Eaton's Metrotown.

                    Certificates  Design & Display Techniques, Vancouver Community College 1991



2008 Alberta Foundation for the Arts, Project Visual Arts Grant 

2003 Graduate Research Scholarship, University of Calgary

2002 Alberta Foundation for the Arts, Project Visual Arts Grant

Graduate Research Scholarship, Alberta Foundation of the Arts Graduate Scholarship, 

University of Calgary


2001 Graduate Research Scholarship, Travel and Research Fund, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Calgary 

Graduate Research Scholarship, University of Calgary

Arts 99. A Juried Exhibition of Local Art, Surrey Art Gallery, Surrey B.C. 

First prize awarded for Paper Category. 

19th Annual Northwest International Art Competition.  Whatcom Museum, Bellingham, Washington USA Juror’s Choice Award for Mixed Media Category


1994-93 Costuming and make up for a community theater group.  

Nominated for Best Costume Design by the Community Theater Coalition.





Support paper for Thesis Exhibition, University of Calgary


Dundarave Print Workshop Manual   2001

Author of a studio manual outlining studio conduct, equipment use, safety, and printmaking practices  and techniques.



Graduation Exhibition Catalogue, Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta



2013 Golden, Cora Masters of Jewellery Design in Canada  pg. 108 (photo)


2003 Rice, Robin. Turning Points. “Cabinets of Curiosities” Wood Tuning Center magazine [Philadelphia, PA]  Vol. 16  p. 7


2001 Just to print 2001. Dundarave Print Workshop Thirty Years in the Making Catalogue 1971- 2001, [Vancouver, BC] p. 10


1999 10 International Print Biennial Varna ’99.  Catalogue for Competition and Exhibition, pg. 68 (photo)

Intimate Impressions: Art From Pan America. Catalogue Manitoba Printmakers Association, p. 11 (photo)

Richmond Art Gallery Catalogue 1999.    Photograph and description of work. 1999, pg. 8

Millerchip, Martin. “Bright Lights”. North Shore News. [North Vancouver] Wed. July 8, 1998, p. 10


1992 Maher, Michael P. EVENING IN NEW ORLEANS. Faculty of Management, University of Calgary, 

Feb. 29, 1992. Catalogue for the Silent Art Auction and Art Lotto. page 9 (photo)


1990 Gallant, Michele. MUTTART ART GALLERY. "About the Exhibition", Newsletter. Vol. 3, 

Issue 10, July / August 1990, [Calgary]. (cover photo)



SHARJAH UNIVERSITY Sharjan, United Arab Emirates

GLENBOW MUSEUM  Calgary, Alberta, Canada

ART GALLERY OF HAMILTON  Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

RED DEER COLLEGE  Red Deer, Alberta, Canada

UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY  Calgary, Alberta, Canada

UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA  Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

RED DEER COLLEGE  Red Deer, Alberta, Canada

TAMA ART UNIVERSITY  Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan

SIR WILFRED GRENFELL COLLEGE ART GALLERY -  Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada




2019 - 2003 Member, Alberta Printmakers Society, Calgary, AB

2009 - 2003 Member, past President Calgary Allied Arts Foundation (CAAF), Calgary, AB

2004 – 1998 Member, Dundarave Print Workshop, Vancouver, BC

2005 - 1995 Associate Member, Malaspina Printmakers, Vancouver, British Columbia.


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